Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Feature of Practice Shamanism

Here is a feature of practice shamanism we can identify the culprit according to Shari'a Islam.Siapapun Religion, whatever title and its title, however his appearance, if it works in practice under the new elements in, in part or in whole,then surely if he was a shaman.
  1. Asked his name and his mother.
  2. Request objects or items such as used clothing, underwear, handkerchiefs, shirts, gloves and other. Even some that ask for photos of patients and hair, as well as market or weton day of his birth.
  3. Ask the animals with certain types and patterns as practice material.
  4. Write a rajah and mantras shirk, which is sometimes mixed with the verses of al-Qur `an or sentence thaiyibah.
  5. Reading Mantra and the spell that can not be understood, or read the verse and prayer mantra syrik mixed.
  6. Giving amulets / rajah to grip or grown at home / office and place of business or elsewhere.
  7. Isolate the patient in a dark / haunted and sacred.
  8. Prohibit the patient to touch the water during a certain period.
  9. Guessing the identity of the patient and keperluannya before the patient had told him.
  10. Conducting the process of treatment of patients with long-distance.
  11. Using Mediator in practice, with a mediator who is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'a or contain elements of kesyrikan.
Eleventh point above is the phenomenon of shamanic practices that menonjol.Masih much more shall we be aware of.
Shamanism not occur because there is no intention
but also because there is a chance
beware ... ?
beware ... ?

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